Sylven wrote
BigJer wrote
Même au niveau national?
A ma connaissance, les demi-finales nationales regroupent des arbitres des deux conférences impliquées. Donc non, ce ne sera pas juste les arbitres du Rouge & Or pour reprendre la blague de Bizz !!
Semi-Final Bowls
Seven (7) officials will be assigned to each of the Bowl games, working through each Sport
Conference’s football assignors. Four (4) officials from the Sport Conference of the home team
and three (3) from the competing Sport Conference as per the following:
Conference of the Home Team: Referee, Head Linesman, Side Judge, Field Judge
Conference of the Visiting Team: Umpire, Line Judge, Back Judge
Semi-Final Bowls: Referees $140.00; Others $130.00
Vanier Cup: Referees $140.00; Others $130.00