Je ne retrouve plus où on parlait de ça mais le Centre Canadien pour l'Éthique dans le Sport coupe complètement les ponts avec la CFL.
Voir les détails ici. Un petit extrait du communiqué de presse du CCES qui fait vraiment une belle jambe à la CFL [...] :
"During the course of our work together,
it has always been the CCES’ belief that the CFL policy could be improved and move closer to other World Anti-Doping Code-compliant professional sports such as soccer, rugby and tennis. Earlier this week,
the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) also stated that the CFL anti-doping program had room for improvement. Yet, even if not Code compliant, it is widely accepted that a sound anti-doping policy must have at least three fundamental elements:
meaningful sanctions for first violations; mandatory public disclosure for those who violate the policy; and a transparent results management process.
The CFL/CFLPA Anti-Doping Policy is printed on its website and
none of the elements described above are currently evident. By contrast, university football players in Canada are subject to those three elements as they are rightly held to the much higher standard of the World Anti-Doping Code, as part of the Canadian Anti-Doping Program."
Force, Travail, Fidélité
"A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall" - Vince Lombardi